Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My First Week as a College Student

"You can do it!!" Were the words that came out of my mom's mouth as I found out I was accepted to the UNO Summer Scholars program. Much juniors in high school don't even think about what college life is, including me, I thought this experience would be fun and easy. Well at least it was fun but easy is not the word I would tend to use for this type of program. It's really challenging, but if you put your mind to it you can get through it.

Walking down the halls and into room 126 was very exciting, Monday morning. As I walked side by side with the rest of the class I noticed I was about twenty minutes early for class. When I entered the classit was dark, but as soon as the lights were turned on, black shiny tables were arranged in a big square surrounded by comfortable chairs that were a reddish orange color. The room seemed very bright as I sat down to wait for instructions.

When Ms. Hellen, a tall women with very long black hair, walked in and greeted us, I felt scared and lost. As she sat down, she talked a bit about herself, explained the course we were taking and went straight to handing out packets.

As the week went on, the class seemed to get harder. After the first day, we were told to read about a chapter everyday.The chapters are long and sometimes hard to understand and on top of that I had to start a 1200 word esay.Having homeork over the summer was not something I
was expecting, but as the week went forward it got easyer as I learned I had to be awake and on time for class everyday.

Being a college student, you have to have time for everything, and as my first week was finished
I learned that it is nothing like high school. The profesor does not care if you have things done or not, her expectations are set and we atleast need to meet her half way.

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